Allah ﷻ,The Almighty and Majestic Says in the Qur’an:
كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَآئِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ وَإِنَّمَا تُوَفَّوْنَ أُجُورَكُمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ فَمَن زُحْزِحَ عَنِ النَّارِ وَأُدْخِلَ الْجَنَّةَ فَقَدْ فَازَ وَما الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا إِلاَّ مَتَاعُ الْغُرُورِ
(Holy Quran, chapter 3, Verse 185)
Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.
At the Islamic Foundation of Lincoln (IFL), we manage funeral services for our community in accordance with the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to the best of our ability in collaboration with Nebraska Muslim Cemetery.
Please follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Contact IFL
Immediately after your relative or friend passes away, please contact the Islamic Foundation of Lincoln (IFL) at (402) 475-0475 or email us at
Step 2: Complete the Burial Form and Agreement
Complete the Burial Form and Agreement either online or in person at the IFL office.You are required to strictly adhere to the rules outlined in the Burial Form and Agreement and provide the following information about the deceased:
You will need to provide the following information about the deceased:
- Full Name of the Deceased (First, Middle, Last)
- Date of Birth
- Date and Time of Death
- Place of Death (Hospital/Home/Other) and Address
- Social Security Number
- Residence Address
- Does the deceased have a Last Will? (Yes/No)
For the next of kin/family member responsible for arrangements, please provide:
- Full Name (First, Middle, Last)
- Date of Birth
- Relation to the Deceased
- Social Security Number
- Residence Address
- Proof of Address and Identity (Copy of Driver’s License, Passport, or Green Card)
- Phone Number
- Email Address
If you need assistance with the form, please let us know, and we will provide help and paper copies at the IFL office.
Step 3: Washing of the Deceased
The washing (Ghusl) of the deceased will take place at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home, located at 5200 R St, Lincoln, NE 68504. We encourage family members to assist with the washing process. If this is not possible, volunteers will be recruited to perform the washing.
Step 4: Salat-ul-Janazah (Funeral Prayer)
The funeral prayer (Salat-ul-Janazah) will be held at the Islamic Foundation of Lincoln, located at 129 W Belmont Ave, Lincoln, NE 68521.
Step 5: Burial
After the funeral prayer, the body will be transferred to the Nebraska Muslim Cemetery, located at 18755 NW 12th St, Raymond, NE 68428.
The burial cost is $3,000. Click here for more details about the burial costs in Lincoln. Payments can be made via check or money order payable to Nebraska Muslim Cemetery/NeMC, or in cash.
If a family cannot afford the burial cost, they may apply for financial assistance through the Islamic Foundation of Lincoln. Please contact the IFL office for more information and to begin the application process.
Click here to learn more about Nebraska Muslim Services (NMS).